I haven't posted in awhile. This is because I spent the last two weeks in Bavaria (to be specific, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in the Alps). Here's what I accomplished:
-I did research for a story I'm writing on King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Most people have heard of him- even if they don't recognize the name- because he built everybody's favorite castle, Neuschwanstein. You know the one. It speaks for itself:
All the credit for that terrible photo goes to me. Sorry about the scaffolding.
Everybody knows about Ludwig's castles, but many people aren't familiar with his life story. If you're one of those people, go look him up right now. You're in for an intriguing hour or two, because he's quite simply one of the most interesting people history has ever produced. Besides Neuschwanstein, he also commissioned a lot of other, lesser-known structures, many of which are possibly even more beautiful than the famous fairy-tale castle. The king's personal favorite among these was Schloss Linderhof, nestled like a jewel in the Bavarian alps:
Photo credit this time goes to de.wikipedia.org and www.koenig-ludwig-hotel.de. I just didn't have a photo that could do Linderhof justice.
It was there, in that idyllic setting, that I was lucky enough to spend one afternoon, happily wandering the extensive grounds and learning as much about Ludwig and the Bavarian monarchy as I could. It was definitely time well-spent.
One more thing about Ludwig and Linderhof and then I'll shut up about them. The coolest thing about Linderhof is actually not the palace, as awesome as it is, but something else, something hidden underground. No, not the plumbing.
The king aimed to build a retreat from the world, and the culmination of this goal was a giant underground grotto he had built from scratch just uphill from the palace. No, really.
You enter in through a rock that opens magically at the touch of a button, and descend underground through a labryninth of tunnels, stalactites, and stalagmites that you just can't believe was man-made. After twisting and turning through the tunnels, you finally come out upon this:
Thank you, www.germany.travel.
Yes, it's a giant, man-made underground lagoon. That's heated. And lit with colored party lights. And comes complete with a giant electric-powered waterfall and wave machine. Did I mention this was built in 1877? See, what did I tell you?- This was one awesome king. Okay, now I'm really done. On to the next thing...
-I practiced my German (duh). I've never studied German,
but my parents were both fluent, having lived in Germany for five years,
and they spoke it to me a lot starting when I was little, so I managed
to pick some up. When I stayed with a German family last summer, the
wife said I had about the level of proficiency of someone who'd been
studying the language for two years. So, I'm not exactly a polyglot. But
I enjoy the language, and I'm always eager to learn more. As a person
with a psychology degree (it still feels strange to call myself that,
instead of "a psych major"!), it's been interesting to observe how my
progress in French, which I mostly learned in a classroom, and German,
which I learned very organically, has been different. They say that the
hardest language to learn is your third (because you get it mixed up
with the second), but for me that hasn't really been the case. I think
it's because I started learning German, switched to French, became
proficient in French, and then went back to German, with the result that
neither French nor German is really my third language. In a way,
they're both my second. My conclusion is that when learning a second or
third language, it's better to start out in a classroom, but eventually,
there's no substitute for getting out there in the world and speaking
the language with native speakers idiomatically, in everyday life.
-I travelled to the towns of Bolzano and Bressanone in the province of South Tyrol, Italy. South Tyrol is an interesting place because many of the people there speak German more than Italian. In fact, Bolzano and Bressanone each have a second, German name: Bozen and Brixen, respectively. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was in Italy when nearly every person I saw was speaking German, and every sign was in both German and Italian. It was particularly weird when you went up to a market stall and heard the same seller greet one customer with "Guten tag!" and the next with "Buongiorno!" They could switch between the two languages without even batting an eyelash. How do they decide which to use?
-Bolzano is also interesting because it happens to be the home of "Ötzi", the 5,000-year-old ice mummy of a Copper age warrior. To be honest, at first I only went into the museum where Ötzi was housed because the ticket was included in the price of my trip to Bolzano. It sounded mildly interesting, but I couldn't really understand the appeal. But as soon as I peered through the thick layer of protective glass into the viewing chamber where Ötzi is housed, I did begin to understand why people are so fascinated by his story. In pictures, it looks like he isn't very well-preserved. But in real life, it's remarkable how intact he is. You can see the lines in his skin, his hands, his feet, even some of his tattoos. It's clear why he is such a crucial resource for archaeologists. I was fascinated, and ended up spending a long time in the museum reading about his clothes and tools (many of which are in even better shape than Ötzi is) and the conclusions scientists have been able to draw from them.
-For the last two days or so, I came down with some weird illness. It's a bit like a cold, but colds don't usually force me to spend an entire afternoon and evening lying down, so weak I can barely move my fingers, let alone get up. I'm much better now, thank goodness, but still not at all my usual self.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Monday, 10 August 2015
August 7th
Today I:
-Passed my driving test! (On the first try, hooray!) Honestly, this may quite possibly be the happiest day of my life. It means so much to me to finally have done this, especially when I've had to overcome so many obstacles to get here.
-Passed my driving test! (On the first try, hooray!) Honestly, this may quite possibly be the happiest day of my life. It means so much to me to finally have done this, especially when I've had to overcome so many obstacles to get here.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
August 6th
Today I:
-Visited my wonderful grandmother in the rest home.
-Continued to work on job applications and made an Indeed account.
-Reviewed the Maryland Driver's Manual for my test
-Reached the halfway point with the history course I'm going through. However, I found out that sadly, the second disc does not work. I will be returning it to the library and hoping for a solution; if that doesn't work out, I plan to check out the second two-disc volume. (It's a history of London, which has been around in one form or another almost continuously since Ancient Roman times, so it's a long course.)
-Visited my wonderful grandmother in the rest home.
-Continued to work on job applications and made an Indeed account.
-Reviewed the Maryland Driver's Manual for my test
-Reached the halfway point with the history course I'm going through. However, I found out that sadly, the second disc does not work. I will be returning it to the library and hoping for a solution; if that doesn't work out, I plan to check out the second two-disc volume. (It's a history of London, which has been around in one form or another almost continuously since Ancient Roman times, so it's a long course.)
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
August 5
Remember, remember!
The fifth of... August?
(Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?)
-Mini dog-sitting session for our friends' sweet little Labradoodle (I say little... he's actually a very respectable size, but I have a hundred-and-thirty-pound behemoth of a dog, so that kind of blows everything else out of proportion.) He was so happy to see me, which was precious. We had a lovely time playing and just sitting out in the sun. He's the most well-behaved dog I've ever met.
-Speech therapy appointment.
The fifth of... August?
(Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?)
-Mini dog-sitting session for our friends' sweet little Labradoodle (I say little... he's actually a very respectable size, but I have a hundred-and-thirty-pound behemoth of a dog, so that kind of blows everything else out of proportion.) He was so happy to see me, which was precious. We had a lovely time playing and just sitting out in the sun. He's the most well-behaved dog I've ever met.
-Speech therapy appointment.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
First things first
Since I'm wishing I'd had the idea to begin this blog back in May, I'm going to start by listing the things I've been doing over the past few months.
Thirty-second list:
1. Applied to volunteer with rescued horses!
2. Still trying to finally get my driver's license! Trying so hard!
3. Job applications!
4. Practicing French! Reading really long books very slowly! Taking a history course!
5. Still recovering from a vocal injury. But I'm not giving up!
Full version of the list:
I have:
-Applied to volunteer. This took much longer than expected. I've now decided to work with Gentle Giant Draft Horse Rescue and I'm very excited about it.
-After so much time away at school, I've re-learned to drive- and re-acclimated to the traffic at home! When one lives in the DC metropolitan area, this is not something that happens easily. I am proud to say I can now drive on the Beltway, which is a feat of coordination and sheer nerve that most people can't even comprehend. If I wanted, I suppose I could always go and live in another county or state with less scary traffic and roads, like a sensible person. But I'm strangely addicted to living here.
Then again, maybe it's not strange at all. After all, we have this:
-I scheduled a driving test. I can't help but feel that people must be wondering why I don't have my license at the age of twenty-two. I would be wondering that, too, if the circumstances were reversed. The answer involves a combination of a severe illness and death in the family and having a disabled sibling who requires round-the-clock care and supervision, among other factors. Fitting driving practice in around all those kinds of life challenges isn't easy. In addition, the first time I set up a test appointment, someone in my family got sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. The second time, the DMV lost my appointment reservation. C'est la vie, I guess. Maybe the third time will be the charm.
-I've filled out many job applications, which, since most positions prefer applicants with driver's licenses, I will be waiting to submit until I pass the above test. Another advantage of living here is the exciting work opportunities available. There are so many chances to do dynamic, fulfilling work. I'm feeling very happy about the possibilities.
More minor things:
-I continue to work on my French. When you're not using a language in the natural course of going about your day, you have to be very intentional about maintaining it. It requires constant upkeep.
-I'm working my way through a history course I checked out of the library.
-I set a goal of reading twenty-eight books this year (up from my total of twenty-seven last year), including War and Peace, which I've been slowly but surely making my way through, and those of Shakespeare's plays that I never got to in middle or high school. As a venture into audiobooks, I also bought a recording of the Divine Comedy, which has been fun. I may not finish the Shakespeare or the Tolstoy by the end of the year like I'd hoped to, but I'm making reasonable progress.
-Organizing. Not surprisingly, after moving back and forth between here and Pennsylvania (and England and France!) something like thirty times over the past four years, my belongings are in a jumble. As of last month, I can finally see my desk again! This has turned out to be the gift that keeps on giving- having a clear workspace led to another happy event:
-A few days ago, I made the best decision I've made this year. I decided to stop stewing about whether or not to try to publish one of the novels I've been slaving away at for as long as I can remember. I posted the first few chapters of my manuscript "The Mystery of the Scarlet Society" online. I already know I made the right choice. I'm so happy to have my work out there in the world for people to see. And people like it! Crazy!
-I'm working on becoming an optimist. It's going incredibly well, and I'm really happy. Several people have remarked on the change. I've even had people ask me for tips on becoming optimistic, which is very exciting.
Goals I haven't accomplished:
-I'm still trying to recover from the vocal injury I mentioned in my first post. I've started speech therapy, but I still can't sing consistently. My vocal range has expanded and contracted by as much as an entire octave over the space of a single day. There is no medical logic to this.
-I wanted to start ballet classes. I haven't yet.
Thirty-second list:
1. Applied to volunteer with rescued horses!
2. Still trying to finally get my driver's license! Trying so hard!
3. Job applications!
4. Practicing French! Reading really long books very slowly! Taking a history course!
5. Still recovering from a vocal injury. But I'm not giving up!
Full version of the list:
I have:
-Applied to volunteer. This took much longer than expected. I've now decided to work with Gentle Giant Draft Horse Rescue and I'm very excited about it.
Look how sweet they are! How could I resist?
I only recently came to realize how passionate I am about working with animals, so this is perfect. I hope to start volunteering with a therapeutic riding association soon as well. I am considering trying to become a therapeutic riding instructor eventually. That would be one example of a perfect job, in my opinion!
-After so much time away at school, I've re-learned to drive- and re-acclimated to the traffic at home! When one lives in the DC metropolitan area, this is not something that happens easily. I am proud to say I can now drive on the Beltway, which is a feat of coordination and sheer nerve that most people can't even comprehend. If I wanted, I suppose I could always go and live in another county or state with less scary traffic and roads, like a sensible person. But I'm strangely addicted to living here.
Then again, maybe it's not strange at all. After all, we have this:
and this:
Not to mention these!:
I rest my case.
What was I saying? Oh, yeah...
-I've filled out many job applications, which, since most positions prefer applicants with driver's licenses, I will be waiting to submit until I pass the above test. Another advantage of living here is the exciting work opportunities available. There are so many chances to do dynamic, fulfilling work. I'm feeling very happy about the possibilities.
More minor things:
-I continue to work on my French. When you're not using a language in the natural course of going about your day, you have to be very intentional about maintaining it. It requires constant upkeep.
-I'm working my way through a history course I checked out of the library.
-I set a goal of reading twenty-eight books this year (up from my total of twenty-seven last year), including War and Peace, which I've been slowly but surely making my way through, and those of Shakespeare's plays that I never got to in middle or high school. As a venture into audiobooks, I also bought a recording of the Divine Comedy, which has been fun. I may not finish the Shakespeare or the Tolstoy by the end of the year like I'd hoped to, but I'm making reasonable progress.
-Organizing. Not surprisingly, after moving back and forth between here and Pennsylvania (and England and France!) something like thirty times over the past four years, my belongings are in a jumble. As of last month, I can finally see my desk again! This has turned out to be the gift that keeps on giving- having a clear workspace led to another happy event:
-A few days ago, I made the best decision I've made this year. I decided to stop stewing about whether or not to try to publish one of the novels I've been slaving away at for as long as I can remember. I posted the first few chapters of my manuscript "The Mystery of the Scarlet Society" online. I already know I made the right choice. I'm so happy to have my work out there in the world for people to see. And people like it! Crazy!
-I'm working on becoming an optimist. It's going incredibly well, and I'm really happy. Several people have remarked on the change. I've even had people ask me for tips on becoming optimistic, which is very exciting.
Goals I haven't accomplished:
-I'm still trying to recover from the vocal injury I mentioned in my first post. I've started speech therapy, but I still can't sing consistently. My vocal range has expanded and contracted by as much as an entire octave over the space of a single day. There is no medical logic to this.
-I wanted to start ballet classes. I haven't yet.
This is the first time I've started a blog for practical reasons.
First, since I'm currently between school and employment, it was vital to find something useful to do. I want some form of accountability to show I've been responsible this summer.
Additionally, when I look back on these months, I'll have a record of evidence that I spent it productively. I won't be able to beat myself up for wasted time.
In a way, though, this is more of a diary than a blog. I don't really expect people to read it, or mind if they don't.
First, since I'm currently between school and employment, it was vital to find something useful to do. I want some form of accountability to show I've been responsible this summer.
Additionally, when I look back on these months, I'll have a record of evidence that I spent it productively. I won't be able to beat myself up for wasted time.
In a way, though, this is more of a diary than a blog. I don't really expect people to read it, or mind if they don't.
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