Wednesday, 9 September 2015

What I've been doing the past few days

A few bullets about what I've been up to lately:
-The big one: Job applications.
-I am due to start volunteering in my church's nursery soon, and my volunteer orientation for Gentle Giant Draft Horse Rescue is only a few days away! I am beyond excited.
-I finally recovered from my cold! Hooray!
-With that resolved, I've been able to make progress in speech therapy (which is mostly singing therapy, really; my speaking voice is essentially the same as it always was) and, excitingly, resume voice lessons! While I can imagine my middle-school self reeling in shock when I say this, it feels awesome to have regular homework to keep me accountable.
-Writing thank-you notes. I used to hate writing them, but now it's truly a joy, because I've realized it gives me a chance to reflect on the incredibly kind things people have done for me.  It's a very lucky person who has a lot of thank-yous to write.
-In a small but encouraging victory, I convinced CollegeBoard to grant me access to my SAT account, which had effectively been closed to me after my high school deleted my student email (a routine practice when the owner of that email has been graduated for several years.) I have to say, the representative who guided me through the process was incredibly helpful and went out of her way to assist me. Props to her and to the company.
-Continuing to work on French.
-Still cleaning and organizing.
-Further puppy-sitting for my friends' dog, who is as lovely as ever.
-This is actually an older announcement, but I hit a major milestone. After months of painstakingly rehabilitating my voice, I fulfilled a major personal goal: I was able to hit an E6.
And it actually sounded like a human being singing, not an earsplitting shriek. My dog didn't whimper, my family in the next room didn't run away or cover their ears, and no one called the police (my own personal standard of singing success: draw your own conclusions). I'm not saying any of this to show off. That would be nothing short of ridiculous, because an E6 isn't particularly impressive in the grand scheme of vocal ranges. But it's a huge deal for me personally, because it's the note that it's been my goal for most of my life to hit, and for a long time I'd given up on ever getting there, especially after injuring my voice. I'm as excited about this as I am about getting my drivers' license. This has been a great year. When I think about where I was at with these personal goals only a few months ago, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude.

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